
Altium designer pcb logo creator script download
Altium designer pcb logo creator script download

altium designer pcb logo creator script download

The next step is to Save as a new Schematic document with a custom name. In both options Sheet1.SchDoc will appear in a PCB project. See image below for the details. Drop down menu will appear and choose Add New to Project -> Schematic. There are two ways to Create a new Schematic document in a previously created PCB project.Ī) Go to File -> New -> Schematic. See image below for the details.ī) Right mouse click on a previously created PCB project. (note: if Projects panel is not displayed on the screen, select System from the bottom right menu of the main Altium window and choose Projects (for details see the image below)) The new file Buck.PrjPcb will appear in the Projects panel (for details see the image below) Set Location of a PCB Project in the field Location or Browse Location (for example D:/Lib) (for details see the image below)Ħ. Set a PCB Project name in the field Name (for example Buck) (for details see the image below)Ĥ.

altium designer pcb logo creator script download

Mark PCB Project from the Project Types list (for details see the image below)ģ. Select File->New->Project from the menus (top left Main Menu of Altium window) (for details see the image below)Ģ. Add en existing PCB document in a project 1. Add en existing Schematic document in a projectĤ.

altium designer pcb logo creator script download

Create a new Schematic document in a projectģ. The main goal of this tutorial is to explain how to:Ģ. Home » Tutorials » Altium Designer » Create a new PCB Project, add Schematic and PCB document Create a new PCB Project, add Schematic and PCB document

Altium designer pcb logo creator script download